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Bringing objects
to life

We always see the big picture and make the visions of our customers tangible. As general contractor we realize complete interior design concepts and take responsibility for extraordinary projects. From the first idea to the final implementation. But our customers can also rely on our expertise for individual steps or special details.

Everything starts with an idea

Everything starts with an idea

Every design process needs good ideas. The most important input for our creative work is provided by our customers themselves, because their vision is our first spark of inspiration for a successful concept. We play with colors, shapes, materials, light and acoustics masterfully and visualize the desired unity of aesthetics and functionality in initial sketches, 3D models and mood boards, and we also analyze markets and user needs. In a first comprehensive presentation, we visualize a possible implementation.

Good mood

Good mood

The spatial effect on a person is the result of various factors – from color and material design to selected products, design language, lighting design and many more. These individually created “moods” are depicted by means of mood and material boards – apart from sketches, floor plans and visualizations these are an essential part in the design process.

A good plan

Visualizing visions

During the transition from the concept to the planning phase, we incorporate the feedback from our clients, define the storyline and approach the goal of transforming visions into reality

  • creation of floor plans
  • optimization of existing floor plans
  • revision of the design and creation of the final interior design
  • furniture relevant connection planning
  • visualization of the ideas
  • creation of lighting concepts
  • detailed planning
  • acoustic concepts
  • creation of color and material concepts
  • ceiling and floor installation plans
  • preparation of bills of quantities
Perfect. In shape.

In the implementation phase, as general contractors, we pull all the strings and coordinate all processes and works, in compliance with the highest quality standards and legal guidelines of the respective country. In addition to optimized timing and precise budget planning by our professional network of craftsmen, international manufacturers and our own furniture production. We keep track of every project and every construction site.

Eine gute Zusammenarbeit.